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iBeacon/Beacon Mobile Apps Development

The iBeacon concept refers to broadcasting signals from small devices to those of the other surrounding digital devices. We Iottive will help you build powerful applications that will function effectively with the iBeacons. This technology by Apple can be used for both Android and iOS devices. Implementing such apps will allow the mobile app to recognize every time an iPhone or Android device is nearby! It uses the BLE technology to integrate service proficiency! Read more

What is iBeacon/Beacon?

The iBeacon concept is Apple’s version of the Bluetooth beacon concept. It allows the embedded mobile app to scan continuously for tablets and smartphones that have Bluetooth turned on and run a compatible application. Whenever such a device comes in contact, the beacon sends a connection request for waking up that application on another device.

Some of the practical applications of the iBeacon technology are pushing the market promotions to all of the shoppers while they are moving across the mall, offering notifications to the travelers about flight delays while they are waiting at the airport for boarding a flight, and others.

The format of the connection request sent by one mobile app to other offers all of the necessary information through beacons to push the highly crucial information to another device in real-time. This will function, even if the device is locked! So, if the device owners don’t want push notifications, they can just close the application, uninstall it or turn off Bluetooth.

Why iBeacon?

The Beacon technology connects the physical and digital world with real-time interactions.

Hence, here are some of the advantages that will answer this question upon why iBeacon is so popular:

It improves the customer experience for the end consumers and assists them in navigating around the walk-in stores easily with guided information over their devices.

This technology can increase brand loyalty by convincing customers to download the mobile app that uses iBeacon.

It helps the businesses in accumulating customer metrics for running better business operations.

The sales for the client business will increase as this technology will notify all of the potential customers of the respective products that are on sale.

The cost for implementing this technology is less and is scalable as well.

It makes use of BLE technology, for which there is very little impact upon the battery life and device of the users.

Where is it useful?

Here are a few of the examples for you to understand the areas where iBeacon is highly preferable:

In-shop experience
Asset Tracking
Indoor Locations
Loyalty Programs
Consumer Engagement


Iottive comes with deep knowledge on how the iBeacon works and deals with all sorts of development and integration associated with it:

Our team has quite a lot of experience in the field to help you get the best out of this technology. We stand out with our service efficacies that include:

Iottive is offering powerful mobile applications that can seamlessly interact with the iBeacons.

Iottive meet deadlines on priority to ensure that the clients can deploy the project as per their schedules.

Iottive has a team of skillful engineers to take care of your complex and specific requirements from the applications.

Iottive pricing is reasonable and competitive to the market for the rich services.

Our iBeacon Projects

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